Common Small group Questions 

What happens at a Small Group meeting? 

You may have seen groups in progress and not even realized it. A group looks like friends at lunch, teams playing ball, or people studying a book or topic of interest.  Remember, at its core, a small group is a small gathering of people, and it is less about what you do and more about who you do it with. By participating in a group, you can expect to connect with others through a common activity, engage in life giving conversation, and be given time to request prayer.  

How often do Small Groups meet? 
Groups meet weekly throughout the year over four semesters. Each semester lasts eight weeks.

Where do Small Groups meet? 

Groups meet in homes, coffee shops, local restaurants, parks, and on beaches across Brevard County.  

How long do Small Groups stay together? 

The majority of groups meet for a semester, so that new people can join them easily and regularly. The semester format also allows people to try multiple groups each year, exploring various activities or studies, and interacting with a wider range of people.  As relationships form, however, some groups may choose to stay together for consecutive semesters, but new members are always welcome.

Is there childcare available? 

We offer childcare for groups that meet on Wednesday and Thursday nights at the Melbourne Campus.  These groups are designed to be a safe environment for kids to grow and learn in their walks with Christ while building community with their peers.
What if I don’t like the first Small Group I try? 

 It is to be expected that not everyone will connect well with the first group they try. We encourage everyone to visit our directory, contact leaders, and visit a few groups until you find the right fit for you. Don’t give up. We believe there is a group for everyone, including you!