love is our rhythm
Luke 10:27 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as you love yourself.â€
This is our calling: to Love God and Love People.
We as a church strive to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their past, their mistakes, race, or gender, can experience God’s, incredible love.
This is our calling: to Love God and Love People.
We as a church strive to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their past, their mistakes, race, or gender, can experience God’s, incredible love.

life-giving community
We believe life change happens best in the context of relationships. This is why we offer small groups, which we call Clicks. Like a seat belt clicks, we click. We were made for one another. Clicks provide a safe environment for people to connect with others, grow in their faith, and experience healing.

we are saved to serve
Our purpose in life is to love God by using our gifts to serve others. When you live to serve others, you will never be more blessed. When you get the focus off of you and on to others, no amount of anything can pull that type of joy out of your life.
Whatever your gifting or ability, there is a place for you to serve and leave your legacy as a Legend at Discover Life!
Whatever your gifting or ability, there is a place for you to serve and leave your legacy as a Legend at Discover Life!

we seek first the kingdom
Matthew 6:33 says “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.â€
The Kingdom of God is God’s governance over everything past, present, and future. At Discover Life, we seek first the Kingdom in all that we do.
How do we seek the Kingdom? Through Prayer, Serving, and Relationship.
The Kingdom of God is God’s governance over everything past, present, and future. At Discover Life, we seek first the Kingdom in all that we do.
How do we seek the Kingdom? Through Prayer, Serving, and Relationship.

It's always easter
The Gospel is the “Good News†that Jesus was born of a virgin. He lived a perfect and sinless life. He died on the cross for all of our sins. He rose from the dead, and He’s coming back again.
There are opportunities to share the Gospel all around us. From our family to strangers, you never know how God could open a door for you to invite someone to church. There is always a good time to share the gospel!
There are opportunities to share the Gospel all around us. From our family to strangers, you never know how God could open a door for you to invite someone to church. There is always a good time to share the gospel!

growing people change
Our hope at Discover Life is that people would not leave the same way they came in. We want to see lives changed, marriages restored, relationships reconciled, and for people to make God the Boss.
As Christ-followers, Jesus is our example. Just as He grew and matured, we are also called to grow and mature in our relationship with God. We do this by taking next steps in our spiritual journey.
As Christ-followers, Jesus is our example. Just as He grew and matured, we are also called to grow and mature in our relationship with God. We do this by taking next steps in our spiritual journey.

2 Corinthians says “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Everyone should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not out of regret or compulsion. For God loves a cheerful giver.“
Giving of tithes and offerings is worship and an expression of the relationship between the giver and the Lord.
Giving of tithes and offerings is worship and an expression of the relationship between the giver and the Lord.

John 13 says “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, all men will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.â€
We recognize that we are all going to make mistakes. We are human. We are going to let people down. We don’t desire to let people down, but we know it’s bound to happen.
However, God’s love for us never fails.
We recognize that we are all going to make mistakes. We are human. We are going to let people down. We don’t desire to let people down, but we know it’s bound to happen.
However, God’s love for us never fails.